LBNL Group Activities
The ATLAS group at LBNL has a number of ongoing activities. Our on-site hardware and software activities include:
- Major pixel development efforts in preparation for ITK
- Major silicon strip development efforts in preparation for ITK
- Machine learning activities, including cross-discipline collaborations
- Developments towards massively parallel code bases for use on next-generation hardware at NERSC
- Tracking software development, both for the Run-2 ATLAS detector and for ITK (including the extended b-layer)
- Simulation and event generation software in the context of the ATLAS PMG and Simulation groups
The group is involved in a large number of physics analyses, not limited to any single physics group in ATLAS. Over the last few years we have led analyses in the Standard Model, Top, Higgs, SUSY, and Exotics physics groups. We also have a significant role in the PMG. Some of the group's recent analyses include:
- Multi-lepton exotics searches
- Di-lepton SUSY searches
- Differential cross sections for top quarks produced in association with jets
- Same-sign WW production
- Higgs to tau tau
- Higgs to mu tau or e tau
- Searches for black holes in multi-jet final states
- Searches for SUSY in multi-jet final states (both RPV and RPC)
- Measurements of Higgs properties in four-lepton final states
- Searches for stable massive particles (in particular in SUSY scenarios)
- Measurement of the inelastic cross section
There is significant expertise available on-site for all aspects of an analysis, from event generation through DPD making through systematics and unfolding. We also have regular discussions with the LBL Theory Group about topics of interest.